Monday, May 30, 2016

LOGICnow: Tap into the collective knowledge

LOGICnow: Tap into the collective knowledge -

When MAXfocus US user conference in September, LOGICnow LOGICcards launched a major improvement its platform IT service management to help MSPs to identify opportunities for improvement through real-time, ideas based on data from billions of data points collected from millions of devices managed by the MSPs depend on the platform MAX RemoteManagement. Alistair Forbes, CEO of LOGICnow and Dana Bullister, scientific data, spoke with Channelpro-SMB Publisher Michael Siggins on the meaning of LOGICcards and other issues affecting MSP. This is an edited excerpt of that conversation.

Channelpro-SMB :. Tell me about LOGICcards

Alistair Forbes: The applicability of [generic best-practice advice] to different partners would vary according to the stage they are in their business. So one of the main axes behind LOGICcards is to be able to adapt [best practices] More specifically, based on a number of things. First, what we know about their business, what is the size of their business now, what kind of tools they deploy in their client environments, which is configurations in these environments. If we see that someone has a particular set of configurations that appear to be suboptimal, we can go to them [with] "It seems that this machine has no AV on it," or something.

Alistair Forbes

where it becomes more powerful is that we begin to add that of all other partners worldwide. [For example,] "in all our partners, we see these things happening, and you do not seem to have implemented this configuration or this best practice. So here is what we think would be appropriate for you "The first iteration of this, if you like, is that based on what we think is important for the MSP. Then the intelligence engine room learns of their behavior. so, depending on what they seem to express interest, we can show them more of the same, or if we show them things they are not interested, we can emphasize that. collective intelligence is around trends we see, what we think they should be aware of the specific stage in their business.

It is intended to be more than a reporting tool. It is a tool to optimize their own business

Channelpro-SMB :. this seems relies heavily on the human component of your partner to follow this advice and work with it. not that we want Big Brother or Big Alistair, looking at us, but if you see people ignoring things, is there a way to push

Dana Bullister :? Not yet. That's a question right now as we work through. It will involve the review of the data, how often does that happen, do we think it will be worth some notifications to push a little more. ... It is something that we will certainly consider

Channelpro-SMB. So if you could remove those pesky people of the equation ...

Forbes: joking aside, the automation part is actually an important next step . In your opinion about people, we can not force them to turn on automation, but if we make it as easy as possible for them to do so, not only we say, "You have a piece of software on this machine which is very vulnerable, we think you should remove it. Click here to remove it, "kind of thing, then over time, we give them the opportunity to say:" Every time you see this, do so for me. "He does not go on the fundamental problem of [ignoring advice] but we can help to automate. ... You also get the benefits of consistency, because it happens everywhere and in all different environments

Channelpro-SMB :. If things work so well and you do so many things at bay, as with great products like yours, is there a way for MSPs to report their customers what they do for them each month or quarter ?

Forbes: This is the paradox of MSP best work you do, the less your customer sees you. So we could potentially fall into the same trap

Bullister :. Right. So one of the other possible directions that we're going to [with] LOGICcards is not only helping MSPs to do their jobs better, but also demonstrate their value. One of the types of cards we think about is a micro value ratio [that shows] all the ways they add value to the business of their clients: all the bad things they have prevented all the opportunities that they have identified all the ways they have helped. It will help them to sell, demonstrate what they have done to help their clients make better

Channelpro-SMB :. Is data collection and comparison of data beyond your partners and customers? For example, "We helped you fight against these 47 types of threats, but other businesses in your battle size 200 of them"

Forbes. I think the comparative piece between the people of our customers is in the platform at the moment. One of the things Dana alluded was the idea that we can make external data sources. so we can cross-reference what we see in other sources, especially in the area of ​​security, as there is a number of databases that catalog there threats and that sort of thing. So we can see what is prevalence, which is the impact of those in our population, and how it compares to the industry in general. Bringing external data sources is certainly something that we will look to add to the platform

Channelpro-SMB. and for the business partners of itself, will be some analysis that can help them make improvements?

Forbes: Absolutely. This is a very important pieces An example would endpoint-to-engineer ratio. What is the state of the market? What does "good" look like? How many endpoints should you be able to support with a given number of engineers? So it's fine on optimizing activities for them, and targeting specifically what we know about the current state of their business, we know the statistics of the whole community.

We're not going to say, "this guy is three times better than you are," [rather] it's all in all But you can see, if you look at the general population. overall, "This is where you sit. And generally the way people here to the next level is to do these following things. "So targeting specific advice what challenges they have so it is not just a generic book" You have to build a managed service practice, "it is," Knowing what we know about you and what we see in the industry, there are three things you need to do next. "

Channelpro-SMB: What information about your partner's enterprises? For example, wages or utilization rates or margins

Forbes: We do not have that data directly into our system right now, but we worked in partnership with some external research firms that collect these data. Again, they can not expose individual data for us, but we can see an aggregate. What are the people of hourly rates charge? What are the technicians utilization someone starts to do? We can measure this billable time by engineer and deduce that the utilization rate.

Channelpro-SMB: The gearbox LOGICcards, how would you describe your ideal partner

Forbes: This is clear in terms of the Community- part of learning, if we have people who are already very well known, very advanced, so it helps the collective knowledge base [for] our partner community, so that is certainly a valuable customer for us. Basically, there is someone who has both the desire and willingness to be able to grow their business, because our success is closely linked to the growth of their business. They must want to grow their business, but also to your earlier point, they must be willing to listen to the input and to be able to adapt their business based on what they find. I would not say there's any particular size, per se, but it is more about the profile of their business, what they are trying to achieve with it, and how they are prepared to help both provide the input for us and receive feedback from us.

LOGICnow: Tap into the collective knowledge Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Abdullah


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