Sunday, July 3, 2016

Mobile Data Backup - It is a must

Mobile Data Backup - It is a must -

You fight the battle of backup with almost all clients, and finally the processes are in place to protect data on customers' servers, desktops and even laptops. Now, however, the nagging battlefield moves to smartphones and tablets.

"Every mobile strategy must take into account that the devices will be absolutely lost," says Kevin Benedict, independent mobility analyst "And while companies think smartphones need a new process, it is not very different from the protection of laptops as they have done for decades."

Benedict last mobility survey found that businesses need, in order of importance, better device management tools for iOS (Apple), Android (multiple hardware vendors running software developed by Google), Microsoft mobile OS (Windows Mobile 7 and 7.5, Windows 8 attract much attention), and the BlackBerry OS (still high in many companies).

"as companies think smartphones need a new process [backup], it is not very different from the protection of laptops as they have done for decades. " Kevin Benedict, an independent analyst Mobility MobileEnterpriseStrategies. com

your iOS and Android smartphone customers may believe that they have the backup under control without your help, however, using iCloud (or iTunes) Apple or Google Drive for Android devices. Both are free, but both are incomplete. "I will not use iCloud for business," says Benedict.

While consumers may like the free storage they get with iCloud or Google Drive, "companies want to disable iCloud and other" notes Marco Nielsen, enterprise mobile home vice president of services, an enterprise mobile services in Plano, Texas. "the vendors always target consumers, because in the world, about one million phones per day are activated, the mostly by consumers. "and consumer solutions are not robust enough for business.

Enterprise Mobile works with companies that have as long as 40 devices or as many as 42,000." most clouds do not back up personal information management data, "says Nielsen, and businesses are afraid of clouds and want solutions on site. ". Their greatest fear is a cloud being hacked, "he notes

larger customers often want complete management of the mobile device, Nielsen rating, which includes the supply of new phones, including adding appropriate applications and security policies; support, remote wiping capabilities for lost devices;. and even end of life recycling of the appliance Nielsen also shows the mobile devices can not carry a lot of data if properly funded. "e-mail is stored on [company] mail servers, and documents tend to be saved somewhere," he said. "If a device is deleted, not much is lost."

device owners in companies with a state of mind "bring your own device" can be argued that the latter, as phones belonging to employees usually have a lot of photos and personal contacts. Management of those phones and tablets with software and security company can become confusing if policies are not clear to users.


Karen Jaworski, director senior product marketing in the backup storage provider and online cloud-based EVault Inc. in San Francisco, said it is important to prepare for Windows 8 phones and tablets, "where it is still more common to lock data on mobile devices. "

Although most believe tablets are data consumption devices, Jaworski feels the Microsoft Surface tablet will be different. "With this keyboard, it's like a laptop, and treat us this way, we can lock down USB ports to prevent data leakage, [and] apply security policies and access controls. - . Just keep data safe "

Mobile Data Backup - It is a must Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Abdullah


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