It's time for Windows users to uninstall QuickTime: Here's why -
If you are a Windows PC user who still QuickTime 7 is installed, it's time for you uninstall the program as soon as you can. This is a warning which comes from both the Trend Micro cybersecurity researchers and the US Department of Computer Emergency Readiness Team of Homeland Security, which released a statement on the matter on April 14. QuickTime 7 is a reader multimedia that can play audio and video files on your computer and on the web through its plug-in corresponding browser. Although the 11-year-old QuickTime 7 is already installed on many Windows computers, the developer support for Apple in August 2015. Six months later, major security flaws in the program have become public knowledge , prompting a universal warning Windows users: uninstall QuickTime now
what is wrong with QuickTime 7
Two major vulnerabilities were discovered in the encoding QuickTime 7 that could allow hackers to attack and hijack the affected PC.?. Researchers at Trend Micro who discovered the vulnerability alerted Apple in November 2015. The company's response was to stop supporting and updating the program for Microsoft users - which means that vulnerabilities will not be fixed so that anyone who continues to use QuickTime 7 on their PCs is letting himself wide open for possible security issues. Support is also offered for more QuickTime 7 browser plug-ins that allow the player to be used for video and audio on Web pages.
How do I remove QuickTime 7 on my PC?
Fortunately, uninstall the program from your computer takes only a few minutes and a few simple steps. Start by selecting the Start menu, then Settings (or Control Panel if you use Windows 7). Once the open window, select System (or Programs), followed by (or Programs and Features) Features and Applications. Locate QuickTime 7 and choose to uninstall.
screenshot uninstall QuickTime 7 on a Windows 10 PC.
If you have problems, you can also go to the Apple provided instructions on uninstalling QuickTime 7. Keep in mind, if you still have outdated plugins installed on a your browsers, the uninstall process will remove those as well.
I am a Mac user. Should I be worried?
QuickTime 7 debuted in 2005, Apple replaced for Mac users with QuickTime X in 2009. According to Trend Micro, the vulnerabilities in QuickTime 7 for Windows does not exist in QuickTime X for Mac . At that time, Mac users can continue to use QuickTime on their computer without worrying about their safety.
Technology companies often interrupt support for software that is still in use, so it is important to be careful and always delete or update programs to the new version when you can to keep you protected. To learn more about protecting your security online, follow our blog Internet security software.
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