Sunday, March 13, 2016

social media and reputation: What you need to know

social media and reputation: What you need to know -

social media Did you do anything fun this weekend? Maybe you've had a little too much fun to happy hour after work on Friday, and now the whole office knows because someone tagged you in a Facebook photo. Everyone likes to cut loose on the weekend, but what you do in your free time is hard to keep secrets through social media. Between Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, it's easier than ever to share all the details of your life day to day - including details that you might not be so proud of morning time or job interview Monday come. That is why it is important to understand how to manage and protect your reputation on social media.

An employer can ask my social media passwords?

Starting in 2012, states began to push for legislation to protect privacy on social networks. According to the National Conference of State legislation, in 2014 at least 18 states in total have laws that prevent employees from having to reveal their account credentials for employers to obtain or retain employment . Many of these states also have protection in place for students to keep public universities and colleges to access their personal accounts. This includes requesting that you log in and let someone look over your shoulder when you use your account. It is also good to know that giving anyone your password is a violation of the terms and conditions of many websites.

How can you protect your reputation on social media?

Although laws have been adopted and many are underway to prevent employers direct access to your accounts, it will never be illegal for someone to do a Google search and find your accounts social media. Anything you post publicly - or even what you publish friends to see, depending on who's on your list - is fair game. The good news is that you are in control of your reputation on social media. Here are some ways to protect that reputation.

1. Strengthen your privacy settings. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram are among the most used social media networks, and they have all the privacy settings available for you to use. Facebook is especially important to keep on top of when it comes to privacy settings. Not only can you choose between "Public", "Friends of Friends" or "Friends Only" to determine who sees what, but you can create custom lists or exclude people from positions as a whole or individually. You can also use the "Display as" to see how your profile appears to some people, and the general public. It is important to see how your profile appears to the public often does not show until you do not want anyone to see. Google+ offers similar restrictions publication. Instagram and Twitter allow you to protect your feed so your friends or followers can see your messages. It is important to note that both Twitter and Instagram automatically adjust your messages to the public, so you have to go to settings and set yourself.

Would you things to help private outfit? Many Internet security programs now offer some sort of scanner privacy social media to keep you on top of your privacy on social networks.

2. Think before posting. Probably most obvious point that we could offer, but you'd be surprised how many people posting without a second thought. all images must not be shared with your Friends list, and some personal opinions are better left unshared. Worried about what other show? Fortunately, on Facebook, you have the opportunity to review all the messages you tagged before they can be linked to your name. To enable this feature, select Settings, then click installation and marking in the sidebar. You can also change settings or delete the messages passed by going to the page feeding activity. There you can see all the messages on your calendar, as well as filter for only posts by yourself or others.

3. Google you. When you apply for a job, there is a high probability that your potential employer will type your name into a search engine. The best way to ensure nothing negative pops up is in search of your own name. Look through the results, including the image results page. If you see something you do not want to see someone important, take action. If it is an old account of social media or post on a Web site, try to connect to the account and remove the negative image or post them yourself. You can not do this? Contact the site administrators. You can also submit a form for Google to remove the link from its search results page. Keep in mind, this process can take some time. That is why it is important to repeat this process every two months. You can view other popular search engines such as Yahoo! or Bing as well.

4. Use an alias instead of your real name. A great way to ensure your social media accounts are not pop up when someone searches for you is to use a pseudonym. As for using a stage name as a performer, those who are concerned about confidentiality may adopt a nickname for use while surfing the web. Keep in mind, some social networks such as Facebook have policies against the use of false names. If you decide to use a different name than your legal name on Facebook, it's wise to choose something that will not raise too many eyebrows - as an alternative spelling of your name or maiden name of your mother at instead of your name. If your job requires you to maintain a social media presence, this can also be a good way to ensure that you can maintain a separation between your professional and personal life.

5. Be careful who you add as a friend. In the age of friends and followers lists, it can be easy to forget that each username or avatar is a real person. It may be tempting to connect with everyone, but if you are concerned about your reputation, then you should be careful who has full access to your messages. It would be good to add the office gossiper as a Facebook friend, and you may regret letting your boss follow your Twitter account when the big game comes around and you use it as an outlet to vent the loss of home team. As strong as your privacy settings may be, unless you make every single private station, someone will be able to see. That is why it is important to remember to always add your "friends" with care to keep prying eyes at bay.

You can not control everything that happens online, but you can do your best to protect your reputation on Facebook and other social networks. In addition to managing your online reputation, these steps can also help protect you against identity theft by not allowing foreigners to have access to your personal information. While these tips do not guarantee to give you a perfect reputation of social media, considering it also depends on what you post, it will help you keep your social media accounts private unwanted looks.

social media and reputation: What you need to know Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ABC Unique


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