Saturday, June 4, 2016

CloudBase3 connects suppliers with potential clients

CloudBase3 connects suppliers with potential clients -

CloudBase3, a content provider of expert advice to find, choose and implement cloud services , launched its network of experts. The Expert Network CloudBase3 is a platform to effectively connect applicants with advice donor councils, said Patrick Houston, founder and editor. "It's been one-to-one advice affordable," said Houston.

The Platform is a tool to engage new clients seeking advice in a specific area of ​​expertise in cloud. The Q & a smart platform directly connects buyers to the most relevant experts to their needs.

most buyers receive advice today is "one to many," says Houston. "When you make high-stakes decision you want advice applicable to your situation. In terms of cloud and small businesses, there is usually no IT department. We connection, in the case of cloud, a business decision maker to someone who can give them advice on what is best for their business. "

the supply side of this equation, Houston said the network is an opportunity for channel providers, certified IT solution providers and consultants of business "to engage with potential new customers significantly." experts receive sales leads and extend their marketing reach

the network works like this :. a prospective buyer submits a question on site, free of charge. Only the most relevant suppliers about it that are registered with the network receive questions via email. any or all of these suppliers concerned can answer the question. If the board applicant want more engaged with an expert then they can take online, says Houston.

"We encourage this," he said. "We want to get to the point where we manage a micro consulting engagement. We are not there now, but it is the value proposition."

Annotated Expert net

The Network of Experts is currently in beta, and CloudBase3 recruits experts now. Houston said CloudBase3 approximately 150 experts in the system to date. Early adopters will have a free registration on the site CloudBase3, which also provides cross-references between the partners and products.

"One of the reasons we like the channel is that they are trusted advisers with a portfolio of products. We welcome the vendors, but tell them to engage in the marketing of light, and use your experts. "

Basic Q&A Screen

Houston said that all experts are selected, and the site will eventually provide the opportunity for applicants to advice note experts, similar to the auto-sharing basis apps like Uber and Lyft allow riders to rate the drivers. "It is a peer-to-peer market. instead of the buyer with corresponding driver, we match the applicant advice with a domain expert," says Houston.

for now, selling the tracks are free to experts. There will be a charge for inscriptions on "on the road," Houston said, and the possibility of a top model range.

CloudBase3 Registration Page Houston said the network of experts may also be syndicated. "We have a widget that can appear on the channel partner sites. They can be part of the network and it goes to their first experts and our experts, or we can create a closed environment for their experts. "

the Network of Experts meets an unmet need in the market, he said. "We know that people want one-on-one counseling, and we know there is a huge supply of expertise in the market."

For more information, go to

CloudBase3 connects suppliers with potential clients Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Abdullah


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