Thursday, April 21, 2016

ASCII Success Summit Touches Down Near Big Apple

ASCII Success Summit Touches Down Near Big Apple -

2015 SMB IT Success Summit Series ASCII Group is held June 24 and 25 at Airport Hotel Renaissance Newark Elizabeth, NJ, the fifth leg of the tour a year. The Success Summit is an opportunity for participants to obtain education, hear presentations from industry, browse the flag of solution providers, attend a meeting ASCII members, and network with peers .

The pre-day activities on Wednesday included lunch and exchange business cards. Jerry Koutavas, President of ASCII Group, began the summit with a host State and ASCII presentation market.

Vendor sessions sponsored Wednesday covered topics such as business continuity, mobile file sharing, website simple changes that make a difference, simplified business management, compliance and managed services , building a cloud strategy, sales of VoIP and using IT assessments to develop the business. A welcome reception crowned the pre-day events.

The main event of the day will begin with an exchange breakfast for networking and peer map. Guest speaker and ASCII member CJ Ezell, founder and CEO of PointClear Networks, an integrator of health care systems and managed services provider based in Fairhope, Ala., Talks with participants on "dental Integration Add your Managed Services Practice" .

ASCII member Charles Tholen, President and CTO, Cognoscape LLC, is present "Winning with success in the legal market with Managed services." and ASCII member, Eugene Tawiah, an Ethical Hacker certified is talking about " tested triggers to help SME customers Focus on cybersecurity. "

guest speaker is Joe Navarro, best-selling author and former cons-intelligence officer of the FBI recognized as the leading expert on nonverbal behavior. In his presentation," Sales and FBI analyst Speed read-Renowned says it all, "he explains how to" speed-reading "people: decode sentiments and behaviors, avoid hidden pitfalls, and look for deceptive behaviors it will also explain how your body language can influence the prospects, customers. and personal knowledge and what foreigners think of you

Presentation seller topics include :. capture the power of the cloud, being perpetually valuable MSP, white-labeling strategies, disaster recovery, the mobile opportunities, and more.

in the executive summaries MSP market session, participants will learn about opportunities for MSPs to tack on additional recurring revenue. And the Community ASCII Business Building Together Session, participants will hear how the next wave of services will also be built leveraging the ASCII community and helping take forward business suppliers.

Participants also have the opportunity to travel the pavilion solutions, meet the staff ASCII and vote on supplier prices.

The day ends with a ceremony and presentation of closing price of gifts, followed by a meeting ASCII members.

Summit Series is designed for trained professionals IT industry and managed service providers, and is targeted towards those looking to increase revenues and improve their current business model. ASCII members receive free admission to the event.

The ASCII Group is a community based on adherence independent MSP, VAR and solution providers. The next stop of the tour is August 19 to 20 in the Boston area.

For more information go to

ASCII Success Summit Touches Down Near Big Apple Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Abdullah


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