Thursday, August 18, 2016

Proactive IT Services: increase revenue, improve service, and stimulate business

Proactive IT Services: increase revenue, improve service, and stimulate business -

For Jim Hunton, automation is the key to helping his business IT services grow and prosper. There several years, Jim, who has on-site technical services "OTS" in Phoenix, Arizona, was seeking an economical way to provide customers with more SME services. At that time, Jim discovered a monitoring software program from a company called HoundDog Technology which enabled OTS to be proactive. "The program has alerted us to problems before knowing the customers," Jim recalls. "We could also send customers a daily report to inform them if there were problems or not with their systems." Over the years, this daily report proved important to solidify the OTS relationship with customers. "It's a way to stay in touch with our customers, and it makes a huge difference when a lot of what we do is behind the scenes," says Jim.

Today, OTS continues to use later generations of the same monitoring software that is now known as MAXfocus. Since MAXfocus owned the software Jim was impressed by the continuous addition of features that make his job easier, such as integration with TeamViewer and access remote background. Of particular advantage is saving MAX, a remote service that enabled OTS to reduce the hidden costs of using tools to safeguard the heritage. Before the implementation MAX backup, both backup operations and disaster recovery were time-consuming business. "Every time we had a big change in the backup image, we would have to drive at a customer site to pick a new image, then sow in our data center," recalls Jim. "With backup MAX, we are able to sit in our office and foreseeable make offsite backups and have an emergency plan in case the customer has a problem."

Another big plus with backup MAX is that the solution is the bit-based file-based rather than exhaustive. "Backups on Bit-became popular for the reason that we have will store the bits rather than individual files," Jim says. "This was on hand to make great bases and transfer only the changes." Based backups files historically would need to download the entire file rather than change. "MAX backup gets around this by pulling real party, block-level delta allow MAX to back up only the changes to the data sets," said Jim. "This is useful for large datasets and databases with daily changes. "MAX backup does this by leveraging differences in the file, such as a SQL or exchange store database that only allows changes to be sent to MAX rather than the entire file." this means that a 120GB exchange store that changes daily would not download changes the entire store exchange 120GB again. "accordingly, the OTS does not suffer the same MAX backup restrictions as with bit-based backup with status-based backup MAX files, "we can now be more preventive maintenance and making performance tweaks such as defragment servers. - something we could not do before, "says Jim

In addition. technical capabilities that enable TSOs to automate many aspects of IT support and service, Jim appreciates MAXfocus for its partner-centric philosophy. "MAXfocus cares for us so we can grow our business," said Jim. And grow the business is something OTS certainly did. "Since 2010, we have had six times the growth of recurring monthly revenue," Jim said, adding that this was achieved without adding staff. This sixfold increase in recurring revenues was made possible by working closely with MAXfocus and Jim anticipates that its partnership with the company will lead to continued growth and success. Currently Jim has 115 servers, 554 workstations and 50 servers that are backed up by backup MAX Jim said.. "I hope to double these numbers in the next two years"

Get your free 30 day trial of MAX backup >>

Proactive IT Services: increase revenue, improve service, and stimulate business Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Abdullah


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