Sunday, December 27, 2015

5 things to know about the Internet of objects

5 things to know about the Internet of objects -

the Internet of things The biggest buzzword of business operations and consumer electronics over the last three years is Internet of Things. As we explained in this post, Internet of Things (IoT) basically refers to any device that you can connect to the Internet or network devices "smart" that can share information with one another to automate the process in your life. This includes everything from your smartphone and smart TV to your tracker activities (such as Fitbit or Jawbone) and home security system. Since IoT is already a big part of our lives, we have detailed five things you need to know about to help you and your privacy safe keeping.

What you need to know about the Internet of Things

1. Opting out becomes more difficult . If avoiding the problem seems as simple as not to buy smart devices, it is increasingly complicated. Companies are more and tons of features, from coffee machines to cars, Internet-friendly. At some point these devices will be the majority of the market - something that we have already begun to see international annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which featured many IoT devices, such as smart cars, smart homes and air fresheners, even intelligent

2. Read the fine print. Hackers are not the only concern regarding violations of privacy. Like insurance companies, manufactures and software developers also want to know more about their users by collecting their data. As such, the provisions of their textbooks and conditions of use would allow them to monitor you and use undisclosed manner of data. For example, last year, it was revealed that the privacy policy for Samsung Smart TV said the device could save your life conversations room with voice recognition - even when you are not using it. While Samsung has since changed its privacy policy, it is still quite worrying that this section has been dragged there to begin with.

The privacy and security of IoT devices is such an issue that Federal Trade Commission Chairwoman Edith Ramirez spoke on the subject at the cES, encouraging developers of these devices to make a priority of security absolute. So what can a consumer do to protect themselves? The best way to fight against the problems of privacy is seeking privacy and data policies of a device (and any connected applications or other software because they will probably also store your information ) before buying. If you find the terms of use or privacy policies are not as transparent as you want them, you can always contact the company itself clarification or deny the use of such a device, though this may be easier said than done.

3. Be selective on the communication device. "Do not talk to strangers" may sound advice that applies only to humans, but it is actually something that can be just as important for the devices. While it may seem safe (and financially responsible if you have a limited data plan) to allow your device to connect automatically to each device or network, it picks up, it is not the wisest, as you never know if these connections are secure. that is why it is essential for you to turn off Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or geolocation on any device when you are not using them actively. If you do not, you could make one of the biggest security mistakes that not only can reveal information about your device but also put your identity at risk. Indeed, passive scanners and other devices use makeshift pirates can actually read or communicate with wireless devices, even those not on the Internet.

Note that if you connect both your own devices using a Wi -Fi network connection secure with a password at home, then your chances of being hacked are thinner than if you were in a cafe connecting devices using Wi-Fi. However, it is important to remember that every time you share information with a known device (such as a friend's phone or your computer) you can also put your device at risk. If the other device is compromised by a hacker or infected by malware, your device may also be susceptible to this threat -. Means that your information can be found

4. A device could all at risk. Because IoT is a network, a router may affect all devices (televisions, computers, tablets, baby monitors, telephones, etc.) connected to the network and all information sent and received using the network. While software developers often create patches to fix the router security holes, the Wall Street Journal recently reported that these patches are not always implemented. As described in the article, "the chain can break in many ways: Patches are not distributed users are not alerted or neglect to apply the patch Hackers exploit any weak link..." How can you protect yourself? First, make sure that you assign a password to your Wi-Fi network and change regularly - at least once every three to four months. Then be sure to download security patches as soon as you are alerted to them because they are designed to correct a specific defect in the software.

5.. Stay on top of updates As for staying on top of updates for your router, it is equally important to ensure you stay up to date on patches and updates for all your smart devices - they are designed to protect your device against damage known as described in our guide to software updates. As it can sometimes be a challenge to remember to download an update, it is usually best to complete it as soon as you are alerted to it, even if it is not the most opportune moment. If you can, opt to allow automatic download so patches will be installed as soon as they are available. Also make sure that you are often on the lookout for vulnerabilities with your devices via the news, the website or the manufacturing user communities. Similarly, if you plan to buy a new device, you may want to search using these sources to see if the device has known security flaws and how the Company manages these defects. Remember that your network is as secure as your least secure device - a single compromised machine is capable of infiltrating one of the other machines and networks with which it communicates. That's why you need to update your devices frequently and be selective about the products you buy IoT.

Although nothing can guarantee the security of smart devices, understanding these five things can help consumers stay in-the-know to potential defects as the Internet of Things becomes a larger part of their life. Follow our blog technology to learn more about the Internet extra items and get advice cybersecurity.

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