Saturday, December 26, 2015

tape backup for SMEs: Not Dead Yet

tape backup for SMEs: Not Dead Yet -

Even with the rise of online, on disk and cloud storage and backup solutions, tape is to hold its own with SMEs, but in a new role

Sharon Florentine

tape backup for SMBs the rumors of the demise of the band have been greatly exaggerated. Tape, maligned in the media for its high failure rate, heavy physical storage requirements and long recovery time, continues to be relevant as a storage and backup technology, especially for SMEs. However, as disk, online, and cloud storage and backup solutions become more cost-effective and readily available, the role of the web in the SMB has changed, said Greg Schulz, founder and senior adviser at the server and storage IO Group, an analyst and consulting firm.

and this change has much to do with the size of the SMB. "Over the SMB, the more likely they have already departed from the band or the band have never used at all. Over the SMB, the more likely they are using a band hybrid and other technologies" says Schulz. "the band is replaced for backups daily per disc and online solutions, but it does not completely disappear. Its role moves to the long-term retention and archiving. "

This is exactly what managed solutions provider customers network and security services White Glove Technologies know. Tommy Wald, the company's CEO based in Austin, Texas, said while nearly 70 percent of the base of White Glove customer is still using tape, the most are eager to move to disk-based backups and online for daily needs. "Everyone wants to retire their tape backup solution, even if it is the most affordable," says Wald. "Tape must be physically taken off-site for storage, and it is difficult and takes time to restore."

For larger customers White Glove, moving to an online solution / hybrid disk and tape can strike the right balance between fast and affordable recovery. "We develop solutions based on what their target recovery point [RPO] and their objective recovery time [RTO] is," said Wald. "At what point do they need for restored data, and speed? Do they need to be back up and running in four hours, 25 hours or five days? "Wald notes that there are new advances in tape technology all the time, even though the role of band changes archiving of more static data that customers don 't need access immediately.

When the tape is used for long-term storage and archiving, most of the arguments against her reliability and moot high rates of failure made. "tape backups are not intended to be consulted several times and still crush and again. This is when failure and data corruption occur, "says Schulz. "When organizations use tape just to park and store data when it just sits there, the failure rates are significantly reduced and it is more reliable and very affordable."

Many smaller SMEs and home businesses often don 't need solutions on tape at all, says Schulz. Many find that backup solutions focused on consumer, such as Carbonite, Mozy, and similar deals are equally affordable and easier to use.

"More environment, the more likely they used commodities such as Carbonite, Amazon, or online storage solution from Google," says Schulz. "Because of economies scale, this kind of high-end technologies do not scale up for larger SMEs, and in these situations band becomes more convenient. But small SMEs can leverage these products widely available to sophisticated finally have secure backup and storage up very profitable. "

The sweet spot for solution providers on the storage and backup market, says Schulz, is smaller midsize companies to small or home office (SOHO), and the general trend in this segment is a custom combination of technologies based on needs and budget. solution providers can leverage different technologies depending on their strengths, and the use when they are better suited to the task and budget at hand.

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