Thursday, December 31, 2015

If you let your children after Selfies?

If you let your children after Selfies? -

selfies Like last year, the word "selfie" is officially part of the Merriam-Webster dictionary, and it seems that people of all walks of life take and post pictures of themselves online for the world to see. If you think selfies are ridiculous or not, this type of image has become a standard of social media, and it probably will not go anytime soon. If you are the parent of a child under 18, you probably know all too well selfies, since children are able to take - and display - them. But if you allow your children to take and post pictures of themselves online?

Photos should not be public for presenting privacy issues

The recent data breach at VTech toy technology company for children of parents around the world realize that n 'there's no Snapchat and Facebook that they have to worry about when it comes to protecting the privacy of their children. VTech gadgets are often designed to allow children and parents to take and record images that can be uploaded to their servers. Because these files are made and shared within what looks like a safe space limited to only the other parent and child users, it can be easy to forget the potential dangers. However, as a violation VTech shows, many of the companies that produce high-tech toys and other gadgets that connect to the Internet are lacking regarding safety - and pirates are just as interested in the target as they are health care companies and big box stores.

Talk to your children about the dangers of posting selfies

social media is merely to share your thoughts via text messages. These days, it's all about sharing what you see - including the face staring back at you in the mirror. Teens, tweens and even some younger children use social media to communicate with their friends and share their world with strangers everywhere. You may have learned not to be an open book to strangers they meet in person, but what about strangers they meet online? The children are not likely to realize that what they post could make it a target for everything from harassment to identity theft, so it is for parents and other adults in their lives to discuss the importance of safe sharing with them - as well as monitoring their activities to ensure that they follow the rules you set.

Teaching children about the dangers posed selfies is something that should start their first Internet-connected device. Some parents might think not that children need to learn about the dangers of online sharing until they have access to a computer or a smartphone, but a recovery in the popularity of Internet-connected tech toys means the sooner you get the conversation, the better. Some of the potential dangers selfies or other photos shared on social media pose include revealing information about where you live or go to school, what you look like, information about your home (such as what type of guard dog you have or if you've received a lot of expensive electronics in the house) and even your exact location.

monitor their social media and Internet use

you can not always trust your children to respect the rules you LAY down, but fortunately, you can try to keep from getting into trouble with careful monitoring of what they do online. If your child has access to a computer, smartphone or other device with Internet access, you may want to consider using parental control software to help track their actions. Many suites of Internet security software also includes useful elements of parental control and monitoring tools of social media. Consider sitting together once a week or once a month to look over their social media accounts, and chat messages that might endanger them.

Watch what types of messages you do as well

parents tend to focus on the actions of their children, but children tend to learn by example. If you are an avid user of social media and often post selfies and / or photos of your family, then chances are your children will get the idea that it is normal to share freely on their own. Be aware of the information that you should not share, and take care to strengthen your own privacy settings of social media. Many parents do not think twice before showing pictures of their children and families online, but the same dangers apply to children also apply to adults (and when you post pictures of your children, you might be the putting at risk).

from occasional selfie every once in a while probably will not hurt, but in the long term, it is probably a good idea to limit the number - and what kind of - pictures your pictures of the child and action online. For more information on protecting your privacy and your family, follow our blog on the subject.

If you let your children after Selfies? Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ABC Unique


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