Thursday, April 21, 2016

Improve customer service with Proactive backups

Improve customer service with Proactive backups -

When Bryant Harrison was a student at the University of Virginia, he started repairing computers to make a little money. It did not take long for Harrison to discover that he liked the computer industry, so he left school to start a business break / fix. It was there almost 10 years, and today is CEO of Harrison QuickFix, a complete IT service provider with offices in Virginia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. (With a partner, Harrison co-owns QuickFix, MePush and BrightFlow) Central to the success of QuickFix is ​​the emphasis placed by the company on customer service, or as Harrison likes to say, "be nice to people. "in the vein of being" nice "Harrison moved QuickFix to focus on proactive service." We wanted to provide a service to customers without having to call in an emergency, "says Harrison." When a customer calls to say that their servers are down and their data is lost, everyone hates those calls. " To better deliver IT QuickFix began providing services such as monitoring and backup. It was at this time that QuickFix discovered MAXfocus and MAX backup product.

Participation in MAXfocus initially started there about two years. The experience was so positive so quickly that QuickFix converted all its customers to backup MAX soon after. While Harrison can not quantify the exact impact bottom-line backup using MAX had on QuickFix, he argues that the value of his company now offers the service made possible by the backup-a customer service a high MAX whole new level proactive-customers. "Now, we are monitoring the backup every day," said Harrison. "If the backup did not run, we call the customer and ask if everything is okay." This type of control, he adds, "means you have customers who love you like never before. "

more benefits, Harrison said, is the QuickFix capacity to provide unlimited backup clients at a predictable price." We have used many other backup tools and Gigabyte for servers and base work-stations price was confusing, "said Harrison, who is in stark contrast to the flat price MAX backup. "It's simple," he said. "There is a fee per server node and workstation costs per node." Accordingly, QuickFix converted many of his break / fix customers to serve customers who provide the company with recurring monthly revenue, "and that is so much a better model."

MAX backup is central to this better model while providing superior service. "Customers can encrypt their data with their own key, we do not have access to their data, but we can restore files wherever they want them and allow them to maintain compliance," says Harrison. With a single tool, QuickFix can manage client backup and their system image that is stored off-site and locally. "This allows us to make very rapid restores and get new business client systems."

as for working with MAXfocus, Harrison most appreciates the willingness of the company to integrate the comments of the partners in the next version of its products. "This is important," Harrison said, "because it makes us as a reseller feel more like a partner. "

Get your free 30 day trial of MAX backup >>

Improve customer service with Proactive backups Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Abdullah


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