Wednesday, April 20, 2016

UPS security breach affects 51 stores in 24 states

UPS security breach affects 51 stores in 24 states -

UPS security breach United Parcel Service (UPS) customers might want to check their bank statements after the shipping company and logistics announced that 51 of its US stores located in 24 states have been violated by malware. UPS said the computer virus has not been identified by updated antivirus software. UPS customers who have used a credit or debit card at any of these 51 sites have had their information exposed. These potentially exposed information includes names, credit card numbers and postal and email addresses. The company said the malware went undetected from 20 January to August 11th and he became aware of the violation, July 31 by a bulletin from the Department of Homeland Security. UPS is not the only retailer alerted by this bulletin. If you shopped at a UPS store during this time period, be aware!

Am I at risk of this security breach of the inverter?

The 24 states with the affected stores include Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Dakota North, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and Washington. UPS has a list of each individual location on its website, so that you can be absolutely sure that you did or did not visit this place.

What UPS done to correct the situation?

After receiving the warning bulletin to the question, UPS has hired a security firm was able to locate the virus and remove it from all affected systems. As of August 11, UPS said, the threat is more active. The company also noted that no fraudulent activity has been detected so far because of the violation.

How can I protect myself?

About 100,000 transactions were exposed to the security breach of the UPS. Even if you're not one of the customers whose information was potentially exposed through this breach, it is important to take steps to protect you and your identity. Although the steps outlined below can not guarantee that you will not be the victim of identity theft, they can help make you a little less vulnerable to crime.

1. Sign up for identity theft protection: To help customers, UPS provides no protection against identity theft and monitoring assistance the AllClear ID credit card. Coverage is free for 12 months from August 20, 2014 for any customer who has been affected. You can submit a receipt or credit card statement proving that you shopped in a store concerned to get coverage.

While UPS can take steps to try to remedy the situation of its customers, the protection service against identity theft, it is perhaps not provide the best service for you. Some of the best protection services against identity theft offer a protection service against the most comprehensive identity theft. These not only monitor activity services on all three of your credit reports, but watch out also for the use of your personal information on the black market of the Internet and public records to verify it is not used , exchanged or sold by identity thieves. You will be notified if your information is added or changed on your reports or if any of your information is detected on public documents or the Internet black market. Read our reviews of protection services against identity theft to see which service is best for you.

2. Monitor your bank statements: It is always a good idea to keep an eye on your bank statements in case of accidental loads. If you believe your information may have been exposed or stolen, it is especially important to monitor your credit activity. The sooner you catch any fraudulent activity, the more it will put a stop to it before significant damage can occur. There are not that large loads you have to look out for, either. After the target data breach, criminals have tested whether pirated cards were still in use by placing a charge of $ 9.84 on the map. This is a relatively small sum, and the hope is that it would go unnoticed. So the lesson to take to heart here is to double-check everything. Do not assume that odd $ 5 fee is a latte you have forgotten!

3. Watch phishing emails: Because email addresses were also exposed during the breach, it is important to remain vigilant with your email account as well. Beware of emails to search suspicious of foreigners, as well as family and friends. You can also protect you against phishing attacks by installing Internet security software, many with anti-phishing protection for your web browser and email client. It is also a good idea for the future to create another email to one designated for personal use / business that you can give during online transactions.

4. Shred junk mail: You might not realize it, but identity thieves are notorious dumpster divers to gather more information about their targets. Have you exposed your postal address a potential target, so you should think twice about just throwing email revealing credentials as a pre-approved credit card offers. Buying a shredder to destroy these items before they go out to the sidewalk can help you stay safe. Remember to look for a shredder that cross shreds, ensuring documents are completely destroyed and can not be put back together by identity thieves.

This violation is yet another reminder of how important it is to exercise caution regarding your identity. Taking these steps will not just keep you from falling victim of a data breach, but they can certainly help to ensure that it will not be the end of your world if it were to occur. To learn more about protecting your identity online and off, you can read latest blog posts in our Identity Theft section.

UPS security breach affects 51 stores in 24 states Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ABC Unique


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